I’m still trying to settle down in Bangkok to be a tent-maker here for 6 - 8 months but a bit tough here due to visa, financial and a shelter. However, if the Lord’s called me to be here, I must put full trust to the Lord + build the stronger faith. My tourist visa will be expire on October 19th, 2007 and intend to take a short trip to Cambodia or Laos and renew my visa in the border on October 16th or 17th 2007.
Come to the synagogue in Thailand, I had a long email discussion (unable to reach him by phone or meet him) with Rabbi Yosef (the chief in Thailand). He is not ready to open the door of synagogue here for me to attend the Shabbat service (like our Sunday service, they have it on Friday evening) and no further development. I was advice by the Rabbi Ovadyah from Jerusalem, don’t give up as they will keep rejecting you at least 3 times…he believe that God called me to do the big tasks here like a prophet work but learn first.
Yesterday, I met one of the Rabbi Chan (Chinese Jews) in the evening as I waited for him almost 4 hours. After our 30 minutes private discussion, he would like to teach me about the Judaism but his time in business and family commitment is very tight schedule. Like Rabbi Ovadyah said “don’t give up” and Chief Rabbi Feld said the same word”.
Now I am still currently renting Guest House in Rama Nine Road and the price of the room is Baht 135 (RM 14+) per night. Bro. Charles (my housemate) from Myanmar, he is willing to take me to the recent found lost Tribes of Israel (http://www.bneimenashe.com) in between Myanmar, Bangladesh and India. The Ben Menashe unable to go back to Jerusalem due to many reasons as follow;
- that the Israeli government is hell bent on destroying Israel in the spirit of, what I believe is anti-Messiah
- they persecute the religious Jews who believe in possessing the Land and developing it as Torah commands
- they hate with a vengeance and oppose the Jewish Settlers who settle the Land as Torah commands
- they oppose the settlement and Aliyah of religious Jews, never mind Zionistic 10-Tribers who believe that they must assist Judah in settling the Land. They will oppose such Return with all their powers.
- they do NOT accept and do not entertain any reminders that God and His Torah requires such settling of the Land. To them, settling the so- called "occupied territories" is a political danger to the peaceful existence of Israel. Any challenge of their wishes, will land you with a one-way ticket OUT of the Land, never to return. And we have seen this happening, even from Rabbinic quarters!
They are record on the practical implications, eg. a 10-Triber family tries to settle in Israel. They are against converting to Judaism. So, they have a roll-over 3 months visa only. They cannot belong to the State pension fund. Their children don't integrate with the Israeli children. They can not easily set up businesses. They are not allow to take employment, except voluntary employ with no income, etc. They remain "strangers" in the Land that they want to be fully part of, their 'Home' based on Torah and Bible! This is NOT HaShem's Will. Hence Ezekiel 37 says He wants to make ONE Nation of the two. A nation needs a government, immigration control, a Society to run and maintains, an economy, etc. A left over of Christian education, i.e. that "we are all going to play the Harp in Heaven" is probably responsible for the lack of understanding amongst many returning 10-Tribers, that the Kingdom of God, like any other kingdom this side of Eternity, is a PRACTICAL PHYSICAL Society. A Nation amongst the nations - though religiously separated and different. The rest is the same: economics, government, society, army, schools, university, hospitals etc. We still not in Heaven yet.
I am working closely with Kol Ha Tor Project (http://www.kolhator.org.il) from Jerusalem and a brief introduction about For proclaiming the prophesied Restoration of the 2 estranged Houses of Israel (Judah and 10-Israel, the latter also referred to as Joseph or Ephraim). For dissemination of information on current signs of fulfillment, and what the Bible and the Jewish Sages have written about it. Promotion of our Kol HaTor Project which promotes Peace between the two Houses and working for reconciliation - for the Peace of Zion, Preparing the Way for the Mashiach and the establishment of His Kingdom. This is a Jewishly kosher Web Site for the insight of the House of Judah (Jews) and 10-Israel and anyone else. Kol HaTor does not feature religious differences but to the contrary, promotes theological tolerance while being united for the sake of achieving Peace between the two Houses, each with their own religious understanding.
Some of you may hear about this first time, I will continue to share and send the update reports to you all.
Blessing and Shalom,
Pastor Steve Peter H S Kok

Come to the synagogue in Thailand, I had a long email discussion (unable to reach him by phone or meet him) with Rabbi Yosef (the chief in Thailand). He is not ready to open the door of synagogue here for me to attend the Shabbat service (like our Sunday service, they have it on Friday evening) and no further development. I was advice by the Rabbi Ovadyah from Jerusalem, don’t give up as they will keep rejecting you at least 3 times…he believe that God called me to do the big tasks here like a prophet work but learn first.
Yesterday, I met one of the Rabbi Chan (Chinese Jews) in the evening as I waited for him almost 4 hours. After our 30 minutes private discussion, he would like to teach me about the Judaism but his time in business and family commitment is very tight schedule. Like Rabbi Ovadyah said “don’t give up” and Chief Rabbi Feld said the same word”.
Now I am still currently renting Guest House in Rama Nine Road and the price of the room is Baht 135 (RM 14+) per night. Bro. Charles (my housemate) from Myanmar, he is willing to take me to the recent found lost Tribes of Israel (http://www.bneimenashe.com) in between Myanmar, Bangladesh and India. The Ben Menashe unable to go back to Jerusalem due to many reasons as follow;
- that the Israeli government is hell bent on destroying Israel in the spirit of, what I believe is anti-Messiah
- they persecute the religious Jews who believe in possessing the Land and developing it as Torah commands
- they hate with a vengeance and oppose the Jewish Settlers who settle the Land as Torah commands
- they oppose the settlement and Aliyah of religious Jews, never mind Zionistic 10-Tribers who believe that they must assist Judah in settling the Land. They will oppose such Return with all their powers.
- they do NOT accept and do not entertain any reminders that God and His Torah requires such settling of the Land. To them, settling the so- called "occupied territories" is a political danger to the peaceful existence of Israel. Any challenge of their wishes, will land you with a one-way ticket OUT of the Land, never to return. And we have seen this happening, even from Rabbinic quarters!
They are record on the practical implications, eg. a 10-Triber family tries to settle in Israel. They are against converting to Judaism. So, they have a roll-over 3 months visa only. They cannot belong to the State pension fund. Their children don't integrate with the Israeli children. They can not easily set up businesses. They are not allow to take employment, except voluntary employ with no income, etc. They remain "strangers" in the Land that they want to be fully part of, their 'Home' based on Torah and Bible! This is NOT HaShem's Will. Hence Ezekiel 37 says He wants to make ONE Nation of the two. A nation needs a government, immigration control, a Society to run and maintains, an economy, etc. A left over of Christian education, i.e. that "we are all going to play the Harp in Heaven" is probably responsible for the lack of understanding amongst many returning 10-Tribers, that the Kingdom of God, like any other kingdom this side of Eternity, is a PRACTICAL PHYSICAL Society. A Nation amongst the nations - though religiously separated and different. The rest is the same: economics, government, society, army, schools, university, hospitals etc. We still not in Heaven yet.
I am working closely with Kol Ha Tor Project (http://www.kolhator.org.il) from Jerusalem and a brief introduction about For proclaiming the prophesied Restoration of the 2 estranged Houses of Israel (Judah and 10-Israel, the latter also referred to as Joseph or Ephraim). For dissemination of information on current signs of fulfillment, and what the Bible and the Jewish Sages have written about it. Promotion of our Kol HaTor Project which promotes Peace between the two Houses and working for reconciliation - for the Peace of Zion, Preparing the Way for the Mashiach and the establishment of His Kingdom. This is a Jewishly kosher Web Site for the insight of the House of Judah (Jews) and 10-Israel and anyone else. Kol HaTor does not feature religious differences but to the contrary, promotes theological tolerance while being united for the sake of achieving Peace between the two Houses, each with their own religious understanding.
Some of you may hear about this first time, I will continue to share and send the update reports to you all.
Blessing and Shalom,
Pastor Steve Peter H S Kok