Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Shalom All,

Greetings in the name of Lord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving Psalm 28 verse 7.

Going over this verse reminds me of the day when Jenny and I were in India in 2008, We had intended to visit the State of Orissa to encourage the Christians there, as well as give a helping hand to an orphanage there. However, the Lord spoke to Jenny to return to Bangkok. So we returned to Bangkok in obedience to God’s plan. Ten days after our return, violence broke out in the State of Orissa and thousands were killed in that violence.

In China in 2009, Jenny and I visited a city in Central China. I was given an opportunity to preach in a House Church to uplift their spirit and encourage them to worship the Lord with greater vigor. We spent one month with the local people there, and then we left for Hong Kong to re-stamp our passports with the intention of returning to the city in Central China to continue to train and equip the people there but then, Jenny asked me to go back to Kuala Lumpur instead, saying God wanted us to get out from China. So we left for Kuala Lumpur. Later, a brother in Christ from that city told me the police were looking for me and they planned to arrest me.

We strongly feel that in these two instances God has intervened in changing the plan for us at the right time to steer us away from trouble. He indeed is a God who is always faithful to us when we surrender ourselves to serve Him, for He will rescue us at the right time ,or chosen time, before greater trouble comes. Hallelujah!

Tomorrow morning, Jenny will be in Thammasat University Hospital for a surgery to remove a tumor growth from her neck (near the thyroid and voice fold area). She is expected to remain for observation for 3 days. We appreciate and thank you for your prayer support.

I have been offered a full scholarship to do a Masters Course majoring in Bible and Theology by an Evangelical Seminary. The course will take 1 - 1½  years to complete it.

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble - Psalm 46 verse 1.

During the past month, a number of Christians from abroad Asia neighboring countries Vietnam and Pakistan have visited us, as well as attended our Sunday Church Service. Some of our visitors have suffered persecution for their faith. However, I can’t reveal much about them here but if you want to know more, please drop me a personal email These visitors are also in need of material support to sustain them in these trying times and so your interest and support in any form will be most welcome.

We will be starting 2 more cell groups soon, so with the existing one, it means we will have 3 cell groups. Our Church is growing step by step as the Lord leads. Praise the Lord!

We walk by faith and are always obedient to Him, with constant prayers and supplication to Him for all our needs.

In God we completely surrender and trust.

May God bless you all in your love and trust as well.

To Him be the glory

Rev. Steve Peter H S Kok