Shalom All,
“He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me. The Lord rewarded me for doing right; he restored me because of my innocence” (Book of Psalm 18 v 19 - 20).
We give thanks to the Lord as the Lord had sent us back to Bangkok, Thailand last month and protected us during our mission. After we are back, we saw the TV news showing many people got injured as being killed during the bombs attack in Ahmedabad City and we were there during early last month. Moreover, a train name Gautami Express was broke into the fire that killed and injured many people as we also took this train before. There is many violence incidents happen in India now and it is not safe to travel there now as you can read the daily news. Not only that, it is good to back to Bangkok too, as my father-in-law will be going for his eye surgery end of this month and we need to spend more time with him. Below are the pictures that I took from the internet.
My last email in June 2008, I was in Mumbai and continue from there. On Friday, we went to the Ben Yahoo Synagogue that is the Jewish Synagogue and we met the caretaker. We spent the quality time together on sharing my calling on bringing back the Tribes of Israel. When I mentioned about the Ben Menashe (Benjamin’s son of Israel) in Manipur, Northern Eastern of India, he said that most of them had converted from Christian to Jewish and they had followed their practice while brought 200 Benjamin children back to Israel. Lately, I found out that there is another small group of Tribes of Israel at the small town in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India. The caretaker invited me to attend the Shabbat service on the Saturday evening and we were so glad to attend the service. We met the Rabbi in-charge the service and spent a short time discussion while we had a communion together. (Genesis 48 v 9 : Yes, “Joseph told him. “these are the sons God has given me here in Egypt.” And Jacob said, “Bring them close to me so I can bless them”)
On Sunday, we attended the Sunday service at the Methodist church that is 110 years old church. Right after the service, they invited us to the reception to have a coffee and one of the sisters, asked me to share about my mission to congregations. The Senior Pastor came to me and he said that if I know that you are coming, I should invite you to preach the church on the day itself. He asked me when are me coming back to Mumbai and he want me to preach in the church. Praise the Lord! Roman 12 v 7 - 8 : If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.
On the following day, we took a train to Ahmedabad and we reached next morning. A few hours later, we took an express bus to Morbi and we arrived there around noon as the road to there, it is a desert area. We were invited to stay as a special guest at the Bro. Mirani’s house and we had great time together sharing joy and happiness. I also brought a New Testament Bible in Gujarati language and I gave it to him as a souvenir as the Lord wanted me to give it to him.

When we were there in Morbi, we went to visit the Mother Theresa Mission of Charity that they are take cares all the orphanage babies. We brought quite lots of gifts to the babies as well milk powders. Jenny and I were so joyful playing with the babies while dancing with them. Few days later, Jenny spent time with the babies and I spent time with the head sister. Then the Lord asked me to sharing the Jesus Commandments to her, she had admitted that she had fallen and recognized that churches is judging other another as well churches also judging other religions. As Jesus said “So now I giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” - John 14 v 34 - 35. Not many churches or Christians know on how to act upon the subject of “LOVE” as it is one word only and if you know how to love then you are Jesus disciples or follower because the people in the world need your encouragement, the truth heart and spirit restart. God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit come from LOVE and not hatred, whoever go opposite side of love, it is hate as well judging that will lead us to Matthew 7 v 1 - 2 (Don’t judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged”). What’s happen to all the pastors, evangelists and missionary got beaten in India lately (as I don’t know other countries) and you can visit the website “” and many more news. This is because that they don’t know how to share love with non-Christian believers and putting the judgment on these people such like the “if you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, you will never be save or receive salvation, using John 3 v 16 or etc. As we look back the verse that I gave early John 14 v 35, if you know how to love them and not pushing the gospel through and to touch their heart using your sincerity heart then, the Holy Spirit will do the balance. People will be saves and you are true disciple of Christ. Halleluyah as our Father is Love and Jesus is Mighty Word!
Mother Theresa Mission of Charity started a junior primary school for the poverty family who can’t afford to pay for the school fees and it is free education. We went to the school together with the sisters there and I met some volunteer teachers. On that day, it was the last day of school before breaking for school semester break and we were the special guest as we were foreigner. Their parents are strong Hindu believers and the sisters never really share the Good News to them. While we were placed to sit, the children dance and sing songs to entertain us. Amazing dance and songs but we never understand the meaning behind. The head sister allowed me to share a short message and I share about “God’s love to you”. After the message, I was honoured to give out presents to the children and also give out biscuits to them. I took the biscuits and asked them to open their mouth as I feed them like what Jesus did in John 6. We brought some stationery and we gave it to the school.
During our stay in Morbi, I was invited to visit the school then teacher college to share the Good News. The principal asked me whether I am going to stay back longer, he could bring us for a trip in Goa (the most beautiful beach in India). Many students was impressed my passion on coming to India twice. The students also brought us round the Morbi for sight-scenery. Many of them don’t know where is Thailand but they know Petronas Twin Towers not Malaysia, therefore I brought a World Map and show it to them, where is the Malaysia and other countries. Bro Mirani offered me to stay longer and he asked me why not you start a church here, people need to know God’s love and how to convert to Christian as he saw the truth heart from us. There is no foreigner or missionary except Mother Theresa and a Roman Catholic church and overall is 99.99% is Hindu believers (they believe in the ancestors and Haj). Majority of them is vegetarian and never see fish as the culture don’t allow them to look or eat at any meat. We had problems with foods and water. Even the mineral water was expired without choice we have to drink it and the house water is not safe. One 1 litre water cost us RM 1.50 and we got diarrhea. Jenny had diarrhea for three days and I had a serious diarrhea for three weeks. The biggest death toll rate in India is diarrhea and not cancer.
This is the sight-scenery I took. You can see a camel pulling a cart and the horse is following behind and lots of camels around. When we left Morbi and going toward to Ahmedabad, the bus broken down in the half way desert. I start to be worry but the Lord sent another bus over to take us up within 10 mins and we reached safety.
We spent a week plus in Ahmedabad, we went to St. Xavier College to meet up Bro. Hedwig Lewis (also a Catholic priest cum famous writer). We spent time sharing about my mission and he shared about his written books while his books touched many life in the world. We had great time together and currently we facing his stroke problem, do pray for him on speed recovery. We also went to met my best buddy, Premal’s sister in her house and spent quality time together.
Then we left to New Delhi, one of my friend from Bangkok, Sister Kate and her husband, Brother Graham invited us to stay with them for a week. They had brought us to India Gate (show in the picture), outside India President House and international church. Jenny was so happy, at last there is somebody from Thailand, therefore she have the chance to talk Thai language in India. We really give Thanks to the Lord for their hospitality to us and the Lord continue to pour blessing to both of them. We went to Royal Thai Embassy and I applied for one year visa to stay in Thailand. Usually the officer will never give one year visa as they will give three months visa only and it will takes two days to process the application. On the spot, I got the one year visa, it took me less than 20 mins to process my application, without any documentation and best of all, it is free of charge (FOC). Amazing the Lord is the provider and the guidance to us, Praise the Lord!
We met a brother and his wife in the church whom work as a top-level foreign government officer and he invited us to his official residence house to stay. He was impressed with the mission we did in India but also very worry about us as India is not safe. He kept on communicate us through phone till we left India. We again Thanks God for the Glory Time with us and the hospitality we get from him as the Lord will lead his family. Amen to everything. Below is the email he sent to his friends and cc to me as it is a great encouragement to us.
We left from New Delhi to Kolkata (formerly known as Calcultta) by express train. During our train journey, I found out that my digital camera got lost and unable to take further pictures to show you more. We went to visit and spent time with the pastors in Headquarter of Indian Assemblies of God (AG) while sharing the common interests together. Not only that, we open their arm to work together to evangelise in India the next round I come. Afterthat, we went to visit the Mother Theresa World Headquarter and I had a chance to talk to the sisters about the “Truth Walk with Jesus”. We also visited her tomb, museum and her bed room.
We left India and now back to Bangkok, Thailand. We had fulfilled 70% mission in India as the Lord want us to come here and the Lord know what will happen in India otherwise we will face many problems as my first paragraph stated. Now I will continue to work in hand with the Thailand Prison Ministry together with Professor Rev. Chalit to evangelise and share the Good News to the prisoners. I doing the initial planning to start a church for the community in Laksi District if God have the plan.
It is getting close to a year as I am in the mission, also can consider my first year mission. I will be preparing the simple CD Video Clip for my one year mission include the photos and short clips with the explaination on my Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and India trip. If you want a copy of the CD, please send me your name and address to me so that I can send you a copy of the CD.
As the Lord will continue to pour Blessing to you all. God lead the way and Jesus is our guide. Halleluyah! God Bless!
Pastor Steve Peter H S Kok