Shalom All,
The Lord always protect us …”Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, for the Lord is good. His faithful love endures forever” - Book of Jeremiah 33 v 11 (b).
Last Thursday, we went to a medium church in the village, far away from the city, going through the farm areas and the bus drove every fast. I didn’t bring the camera as I left it at home. More than 60 people turned up and many people who attended the night service were touched by the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord! People there feel the joy from the Lord as the Lord give me the full love and I shared it out to them. I love my Father, the Lord with all my Heart.
The following day evening, we went to the General Hospital nearby our house together with Bro. John as we have an intention to visit the brother’s mother (Siva) that I had baptised him last Sunday. His mother wants to do the water baptism and I prayed for her on the Lord’s direction. While praying for her, a huge crowded came to the scene as we were standing at the compound of the ladies department. They want me to pray for them but I said no at first till I share about the Glory of the Lord on all creation and the great salvation that Jesus had give it to us. After listening, everyone accepted Christ as a Saviour. Praise the Lord as soul being saved and all credits return back to the Lord.

The next afternoon, we went back to the hospital, we were planning to bring his mother out from the hospital to baptism her in the river, as it is a far distance. Another brother (Vairavan), also want to do the water baptism and I agreed to do the water baptism for him. This time two persons being baptism by the water as the Lord prepare the way for us. Before we left the hospital premises, I prayed for Bro. Siva on receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit while we were in the hospital and Bro. John was praying for Vairavan and Siva’s mother for the repentance of the sins. Halleluyah!

After the water baptism, we rush to the new central bus terminal to catch a bus to the village that is about 60 km away and it is already in the evening. When we reached there is about 6.30pm and spent an hour to have fellowship with the people there before we gathered in the home church. About 50 people turned up for the night service and people received the touched from the Holy Spirit. It was a tired journey but nevertheless my Father, the creator keep working day to night, never stop working…we also must not stop working for God as the End Time is getting nearer. Whoever claimed to know the End Time period, then it is self prophesied and it is not from the Lord, as the Jesus also doesn’t know the End Time (Matthew 24 v 36).

On Sunday morning, I was preaching at a small chapel and the congregration is about 50 people. My topic is about the End Time Commandment as I don’t know that the church pastor was preaching last week about the current time is like Noah time. Prophet Daniel, Prophet Isaiah, Prophet Ezekiel, Jesus the Son of God and Apostle John had mentioned clearly about how End Time will take place. Many of them still enjoying themselves, robbing the Glory of God, even against one another without realising themselves (Luke 20 v 46 - 47) and tends to forget the second commandment that Jesus had given to us (Mark 12 v 31), due to failure to follow the first commandment (Mark 12 v 30). God is great as His love endures forever.
During the evening, we went back to the same village town as I called to preach the Word of God to them without any preparation but the Lord really use me and the topic is Ecclesiastes 1 v 1 - 11. Many people received the touched and decided to commit themselves on spending more time with the Lord as well reading the Word of God. Two people came forward to receive the salvation. How great thou art, O’ Lord as my Master lead the congregration.
I received a few testimonies from a few people and I would like to share with you all. Our brother Siva’s mother is undergoing liver cancer operation as after the water baptism, she felt the strength from the Lord and able to overcome the next two days operation. Secondly, a lady whom she was preparing to deliver the baby as she felt pain and doctor said it is dangerous to do the operation. Then we prayed for her and two days later, she able to delivered the baby without any pain at all. Amazing things happen as the Lord lead the people.
Yesterday night, we celebrated my wife, Jenny’s birthday and below is the pictures. The Lord lead me to Book of Titus 3 v 5 (b). Blessing to my wife for everything!

Both of us went to town and we took many pictures as below….the market and the shopping mall.
Book of Psalm 17 v 6 : “I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.” Continue to support us in our ministry.
Pastor Steve Peter H S Kok and Sister Jenny Kok