Dear Family and Friends,
“But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you” - 1 Samuel 12 verse 24.
Whenever I reflect on the great things God has done for me, I often think about the mission trips I have made to some six countries over the past 4 years. And I am often amazed at God's faithfulness and willingness to use me for His purposes.
To be involved with Mission work has been my desire for many years now, particularly since an unforgettable incident happening in Genting Highlands, Malaysia in 2005. In that incident, I was robbed and stabbed on my chest and then taken to the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. One of my friends, a former Member of Parliament, has said to me then, “God has indeed been good to you, protected you and He has saved you from a terrible tragedy!”
From then on, I have felt I must surrender myself to serving God, not myself! Then God called me and I resigned from my previous employ to serve him fully from June 2007. It was very difficult for me in the beginning, as my meager savings was soon drying up.
But I kept my faith, trusting God for His Provision. These were the beginnings of a call on my life to be a part of God's Great Commission.
The first opportunity for me to go on a mission trip came in September 2007 and I was thrilled! God then used me beyond what I thought possible and He gave me spiritual strength that has continued on to the present.
After that first trip, God provided me with 6 more opportunities to share the Gospel to countries in East Asia. That calling has built me up spiritually over the years and has emboldened me to work more relentlessly for His kingdom.

For the last 4 years, I am blessed to be involved in mission work in Thailand, India, Cambodia and China.
I met my wife, Jenny, during my mission work in Thailand and we got married in April 2008. Then we served on God’s mission together as a missionary couple. The connection we have made with local churches everywhere has been truly amazing. Even with language barrier in some cases, it did not become a problem with us!
Let me now share with you a heartfelt desire and hope of mine to serve in another challenging ministry that God has presented to me since January 2007. It is to serve the spiritual needs of three countries: Egypt, Jordan and Iraq.
I believe God has opened my heart to serve His people in these three countries. The suffering of the people there has been tremendous.
You, too, can help share in the work of compassion for these people in several ways.
Firstly, you can pray for us. We will need prayers that God will indeed prepare us for this mission work and bless our efforts as we begin to prepare ourselves to minister to these people.
We also need prayers that our financial needs will be met. We require fund support to assist us in planning for a sustaining and longer mission stay and work amongst these people, as it will be difficult for us to return home once a year because the air ticket cost itself will be quite expensive.
Would you consider supporting us in this mission work? Luke 6 verse 38 says, ”Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full - pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back”.
For your gifts and donations, the details are as link to
Below is a videos capturing highlights of our mission work/ involvement in Thailand, China, India and Cambodia
Thank you for your prayers and support.
May God bless you, wherever you are In His Glory!
Our future work in Egypt, Jordan and Iraq will be similarly recorded and posted to you as has been done in the past 4 years.
I just published an Arabic guidebook for those who wish to do Christ's work in the Middle East. It's called "Aktuboo: A Guide to using the Arabic Script". It also helps in the travel sense to get around. But it has simple translations of John 3:17 , etc. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThat was a great post and its so meaningful and I enjoy reading it. Thanks for sharing!!! tfi the family international