Wednesday, January 14, 2009


It is simple...let put Satan can do good deeds.

You are an IT expert and you always do good things. One day, you face financial problems and you pray very hard for God to give you the solutions. Then a man come to you and said that God send me to you....this is the money. Then you settle the debts and you say that man is good and from God. Then your kids need education funds, he come and give again the money to you. One day, he come to you and tells you to hack into National Central Bank and take out all the money out and transfer to my account. Then you said it is wrong, I can't do it. The man said if you don't do it, you have to settle the debts that you borrow from me. Without choice, you did what he asks you to do. Do you think this man from God or is from Satan. Only with the Holy Spirit can alerts you. Your spirit must died first (mean surrendering to God), then the Holy Spirit can live in you.

Pastor Steve Peter H S Kok

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